Speeding up Strapi development timesI’ve used strapi in couple of my exploratory projects. Be it AI or that project which I dearly hope will make me millions in the near…Dec 23, 20231Dec 23, 20231
Published inThe StartupBuilding a Python Script That Clusters Photos Based on the FacesUsed Google photos before? You’ve probably seen this in action.Jan 15, 2021Jan 15, 2021
Automating task to run on startup in VSCodeWhenever I open up an npm project workspace on VSCode I usually run a few commands on startup. VSCode has been my favorite Text Editor of…Nov 18, 2020Nov 18, 2020
You don’t need a VPN to securely access servers in your Office/DatacenterEspecially now during the COVID-19 period😷, when you are forced to work from home🏡, you somehow have to access the servers and databases…Sep 9, 2020Sep 9, 2020